Friday, 22 July 2011

holy crap time is running out!!! where do I begin

First of all the computer system has been down, third world country and all...  So I have done so much and experienced so much I am not sure where I should start.  I went up the mountain and it was a bit scary, they say some people even pass out due to the altitude change, I almost passed out due to the heights.  Those of you who have been to Brazil, just as crazy curzy as the paraglide sight but twice as long to get there.  Its beautiful from the top.  There are women whose job it is to collect and carry firewood down the mountain twice a day.  The wood is strapped to their backs and they walk hunched over.  The pile is about 3 feet high and 3 feet wide if not bigger.  I am going to take a picture and the next time someone complains about their job rotation at work I will show them that picture.  They have a shop at the bottom of the mountain that when the women get too old to do that, they make scarves.  I bought a bunch as they are extremely cheap.
  Life here is so hard, their are beggers everywhere and pit pockets and kids shining shoes, it breaks my heart everyday.
  We have 2 guards and every night this week I have fed them.  I take them leftovers or buy them a hot meal.  Its rainy season here and its cold, they stay awake all night just to watch the gate.  I have met some extemely interesting people and have visited a number of orphanages.  You are not allowed to take pictures at the orphanage though.  It is so hard to see these children, so full of potential, who just love life and so desperately want someone to love them.  I am on a time limit here as the computer system keeps stopping.  Tomorrow I am off to see hippos and monkeys.... hopefully talk to you guys soon!!!!!1

1 comment:

  1. Lol I'm sure taking that pic to work will make you really popular!! :p But I can only imagine what those people must go through living in a country like that. Makes you pretty grateful for what you do have huh? Hope you're having an amazing time.... (guards and all...) Have fun with the hippo's and monkey's. I'm so proud of you for climbing those mountains.. make sure you enjoy the view. :)

    Love you and miss you!
